Miembros del equipo
Directora de Servicios al Cliente
El ABC de mi vida! Alexandra (Alex), Benjamin (Benny) y Caroline (ABC). Ellos son mis 3 hermosos, inteligentes, curiosos y salvajes hijos. Estas almas son la razĆ³n por la que hago lo que hago. Aunque me llevan al punto de la locura, los amo mĆ”s que a nada. Verlos crecer y convertirse en pensadores independientes ha sido un privilegio. Su felicidad y bienestar es mi prioridad como padre. Es gracias a ellos que ABC Estate and Legacy Planning estĆ” aquĆ hoy para ayudarlo a dejar suLegadoa los que mĆ”s quieres.

Madonna Castillo

Hi! My name is Madonna, your Family Wealth and Legacy Client Services Coordinator. I'm a mom to two amazing kids. I am pursuing a fulfilling career while also juggling the joys of family life. Hablo español e inglés y estoy aquí para servirles. When I'm not at work, you'll find me with my family, creating memories together.
I take great pride in ensuring that our clients have a smooth and caring experience throughout the estate planning process. It's incredibly rewarding to help families secure their futures and protect their loved ones through thoughtful planning. It is an honor to contribute to such an important aspect of our client's lives.
Carlos Manuel Alcazar Lopez
Hi, I'm Carlos your Family Wealth and Legacy Intake/Outreach Coordinator. I am from Murcia, Spain and happily married to my wonderful wife, Leizel. When I am not hard at work, I love cooking, scuba diving, BBQing and going to the beach!
I am your initial contact with ABC and will be the person guiding and helping you be ready to meet with Adela. I am bilingual in Spanish and English, and I look forward to being of service to you and your family.
Let's ensure your legacy, give us a call today!

Alex, Benny y Caroline
The ABC of my life! Alexandra (Alex), Benjamin (Benny), and Caroline (ABC). They are my 3 beautiful, intelligent, inquisitive, feral children. These souls are the reason I do what I do. Even though they drive me to the point of insanity, I love them more than anything. Watching them grow and become independent thinkers has been a privilege. Their happiness and well-being is my priority as a parent. It is because of them that ABC Estate and Legacy Planning is here today helping you leave your Legacy to those you love most.
Benny, at 14, is our part-time copy and scan guru! He is the one in charge of printing all of our plans and scanning them to perfection! He is also slowly becoming a master at anything computer related! Having already earned the title of "Cable Guy", he will soon enough earn the official title of "IT guy"!

daniel vaso
Daniel Vasko es nativo del condado de Hillsdale, Michigan, y se graduĆ³ de Hope College en Holland, Michigan.
Daniel aporta su experiencia a nuestra firma como coordinador de liquidaciĆ³n y financiamiento de fideicomisos, ayudando a los clientes a cambiar el tĆtulo de sus activos financieros para que correspondan a sus fideicomisos y ayudĆ”ndolos con formularios, informes y contabilidad en el lado administrativo de las cosas. Se ha desempeƱado como fiduciario profesional y es miembro de Independent Trustee Alliance, involucrĆ”ndose en la educaciĆ³n continua en el campo.